Posts tagged purpose

Living a spiritual life is living with meaning, knowing there is a grander plan, and that we are here to grow, evolve and express an important purpose in the world. Life is a co-creation operating on laws of karma and will power from the God-like power of your soul and true essence, which all existed long before this incarnation, entangled with the many lives you’ve already lived.

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Your birth name holds keys.

What's in a name? How about… EVERYTHING. The riddle of the name is my favorite thing of all. When I work with clients where I notice some manifestations are not coming to fruition or if I get the intuition I dive deeper into understanding more about their names. Your name is your address to where the universe sends all you are manifesting. Your BIRTH name. In its totality.

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The Ebbs & Flows of Money

I want you to know the ebbs and flows of money are a real thing that everyone experiences. It’s normal. Sure, you can achieve a goal of consistency, and maybe for some that’s the goal. But for others it’s quantum leaps and exponential growth. For some of us there’s always a desire for more. With my life and work, I like to offer glimmers of hope Evidence of what’s also possible.

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Ultimate living is doing what you love

I had an epiphany yesterday evening that I trust will bring you some inspiration. After a long work day, I realized I had been at it for over 12 hours. I was expecting to be tired but instead I was ENERGIZED!?!

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This is for those who never really liked the rules...

Perhaps this resonates with you too... Especially if you're someone who never really liked the rules... Personally, I could never do things the traditional way. Seriously F off if you tell me I need to do it in some kind of cookie cutter way. We have a hard time following the rules because we can see the BS if there's no point to it and there's no way we are settling. EVER.

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How do you know you are living your passion?

Do you wake up everyday with the desire to scream, "I LOVE MY LIFE"This past weekend a friend invited me as a guest to a seminar entitled Reignite. And gratefully it did just that, it reignited my passion and vision of my purpose here on this planet. This seminar was star studded with inspirational and motivational speakers, from Marianna Williamson, Niurka, Marcia Weader, and many more. This seminar was a reminder of the amazingingness that is each and every one of us. This seminar also allowed me to realize that I am living my passion with passion. Are you?

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