Posts tagged expansion
Continued Mentorship & Healing to Support Your Mastery & Ultimate Success

For those of you committed to living your ultimate potential in this life and you feel you have a mission and gifts to share with the world, this episode and my upcoming year-long mentorship will speak to you. 

Continued healing and mentorship supports your mastery and ultimate success.

Essentially, our healing journey never ends, and truly the swiftest and more graceful path to the success we envision for ourselves is through mentorship.

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Can you rewrite your own paradigm over and over again?

Can you rewrite your own paradigm over and over again to stay true to the truth of the moment, the truth of your heart, the truth in relation to others? Can you break your heart open wider to love even more? Can you love in every moment like it is the first and last time?

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Existence is a paradox.

This existence is a complex conglomeration of realities and dimensions far beyond what the eye can see.

You are a universe unto yourself.

The expression of life that happens through you is a miracle and is influenced by so much and so little.

Existence is a paradox.

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Living a spiritual life is living with meaning, knowing there is a grander plan, and that we are here to grow, evolve and express an important purpose in the world. Life is a co-creation operating on laws of karma and will power from the God-like power of your soul and true essence, which all existed long before this incarnation, entangled with the many lives you’ve already lived.

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It's ok to feel sad, angry, frustrated 💗

Life is never all perfect with only the high moments. This is a reminder that it’s OK to feel sad, angry, frustrated, overwhelmed. Sometimes I really think it’s all just a divine comedy all in support of our soul’s greatest becoming. You’ve got this.

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My growth has been rapid and exponential.

On the journey of my continued ascension and greatest becoming, my growth has been rapid and exponential. I’ve had fears of leaving people behind, clients not continuing on as I raised my prices, relationships ending because my dreams had changed to become even bigger. All of these things did happen… But then I was blessed with so many beautiful things and people that met the levels I was expanding into.

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Whenever clients ask me how much they should charge

Whenever clients ask me how much they should charge for their services or how much of a raise to ask for, there are many questions I ask. Everyone feels the desire to raise their rates for different reasons. The truth is, only you know your true price.

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Alex's life went from great to even better...

The truth about coaching is that it's not a necessity. It's a luxury. It's for those who are truly serious about taking radical responsibility for their lives. It's for those who desire to create their ultimate lives. It's for those of you who wish to realize your goals much faster.

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Manifest. Expansion. Repeat.

Expanding into living our ultimate lives is a choice and a process. Most clients come to me and they are not living their ultimate lives. They arrive because they know something needs to change. All that is required is the desire to change, and to be ready to do whatever it takes for your highest and best good. And that includes investing in you! Your dreams, desires and yourself are the best things you could ever invest in.

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