Posts tagged embodiment practice

E M B O D I M E N T… is how you are being in your body. This piece of personal development has been so transformational for me. And there’s always deeper layers to access. A focus on embodiment work is foundational in my healing and coaching with clients.

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Beyond health and into the realm of ultimate embodiment...

Ultimate embodiment comes after curing and healing physical ailments, emotional wounds and traumas stored in the body. Bio hacking and prevention also help to play a role too. Ultimate embodiment is not only a physical thing,
it’s an energy thing and a mental thing too.

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The Dance Floor is My Teacher

I love to dance. Dance is my medicine. It’s therapy. Food for our soul. It’s something we humans have done since the beginning of time. It’s written in our DNA. What happened to this lost art that allows us to embody our prayers, let go of tension and stress and release what is no longer serving us? Why have people stopped moving to the drum when it’s a natural antidepressant and teaches us about relating with ourselves and others?

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