Posts in Prevention
Are you ready for some sexual healing?

Let’s talk about sex. Despite it being a tabooed subject, many people enjoy talking about sex. Since becoming a doctor, I’m not really shocked by anything. I’ve had to discuss the birds and the bees with patients, examine private parts and I have even delivered babies. Sex is natural, and an important part of life because it is healthy and healing.

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Are you listening to your body?

I know this may sound strange, but do you ever ask your body what it needs? We all want to be the healthiest we can be, that’s why we pay for medications, health insurance, and even expensive organic food in some cases. Yet, have you ever checked in with your body to ask, “What would you like to eat?” After all, the fundamental purpose of eating is to nourish your body and keep it healthy. Your body is smarter than you may think. It communicates with you, IF you choose to listen.

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