Posts tagged nutrition
Eating for your specific body...

We all have our story when it comes to food. Food is such an emotional and close-to-home topic. There's not a one size that fits all perfect way of eating. There are, however, some ways that are better than others for you and your particular makeup. I call this intuitive eating. Food can either be medicine or it can be poison.

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Ultimate Nutrition

They say the thing that comes the easiest to you is the thing you should teach and share with the world. For me that’s healthy, conscious living in all its forms, especially Nutrition. It comes really easy and natural to me that I sometimes think it’s boring to teach about such things because I think that everyone already knows about it. But guess what? I’ve learned that this isn’t true. And even my clients have told me I need to share more about this topic with the world.

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Why Farm-to-Table?

It’s so wonderful to be back in NYC. Yesterday the sun was shining and I happened into the Union Square Farmer’s Market. Having just returned from the Amazon I was excited to stock up on brightly ripened peaches and heirloom tomatoes along with the necessary greens of Kale and Lettuce. I’ve come to prefer Farmer’s Market as the source of my food whenever possible. You may be wondering, “what’s the difference, why not just go to the supermarket?” But trust me, there is a BIG difference.

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Are you listening to your body?

I know this may sound strange, but do you ever ask your body what it needs? We all want to be the healthiest we can be, that’s why we pay for medications, health insurance, and even expensive organic food in some cases. Yet, have you ever checked in with your body to ask, “What would you like to eat?” After all, the fundamental purpose of eating is to nourish your body and keep it healthy. Your body is smarter than you may think. It communicates with you, IF you choose to listen.

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