Posts tagged live more fully
Ultimate Nutrition

They say the thing that comes the easiest to you is the thing you should teach and share with the world. For me that’s healthy, conscious living in all its forms, especially Nutrition. It comes really easy and natural to me that I sometimes think it’s boring to teach about such things because I think that everyone already knows about it. But guess what? I’ve learned that this isn’t true. And even my clients have told me I need to share more about this topic with the world.

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This is for those who never really liked the rules...

Perhaps this resonates with you too... Especially if you're someone who never really liked the rules... Personally, I could never do things the traditional way. Seriously F off if you tell me I need to do it in some kind of cookie cutter way. We have a hard time following the rules because we can see the BS if there's no point to it and there's no way we are settling. EVER.

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Thoughts Post Lightning in a Bottle: 7 Ways to Enhance The Human Experience

I have come to appreciate the environment of festivals because they offer a unique space for life reflection and relating to others. Generally they create a space for people to come together and connect. Hearts tend to be more open than in everyday life. This offers a mirror to look within at where we are, where we’d like to go, and what we wish to shed and embody. Perhaps these seven reminders will resonate with you in some way to cultivate a more peaceful, connected existence, offering assurance on this journey through the human experience. 

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