When I showed my 4 year old nephew the ocean from my home he asked me, “You live on vacation?” Well, yes, I do. Everything about my life is vacation vibes. I wake up when I desire. I wear silk robes around my home. I watch the sunset everyday. I take luxurious baths during the day. I eat every meal with an epic view. I swim in the sea. I walk on the beach. I sip tea with friends as we look out at the ocean.
Read MoreI seriously love everything about being a woman Female bonding time is my fav!!! And I love empowering women. It’s the best to watch us rise and shine together. I love you ladies!!!
Read MoreI desire to support your greatest becoming. I desire for you to live your ultimate life as the Ultimate Woman that you are. I desire for all women to reclaim your power and to design a life that really nourishes you and lights you up. You deserve it. We all do.
Read MoreThe path of becoming “The Ultimate Woman” is really about each woman becoming more of who she truly is. Her fullness, her radiance, her glory. It’s not about perfectionism. It’s about transformation and illuminating all of you. Healing shadows of the now and wounds of the past. It’s about radical responsibility and looking within to transform all that is around us.
Read MoreBeing in feminine energetics is not always easy. Trust me, I know. The daily challenges and stressors of life can so easily pull us into the mind, out of the body and get us spiraling into thinking how we’re going to get it all done, make things happen and fix what’s not working. This is masculine energetics as I share about in Day 1 of my Femmegetics Masterclass. When the feminine woman behaves like this, we become exhausted and burnt out. Trust me, I know.
Read MoreFinally, this month, I’ll be sharing on the energetics, mentality, ebbs and flow of money. Here’s the thing. I imagined I would’ve been a millionaire before teaching about money. There are, however, many phases we go through before reaching 7/8 figures or tres commas status. The truth is if I wait to share a money course until I arrive at such a place, I’ll likely miss and forget to share on a lot of what many people are experiencing right now in relation to money.
Read MoreFemmegetics - my newest masterclass where I explain how to use feminine energetics for living your ultimate life. Yes, I made this word up from Feminine & Energetics. Two words that have played a significant role in my continued ascension and evolution. Two words I continue to deepen and steep in. Two energies I continue to focus on because they have radically changed my life. And so Femmegetics was birthed
Read MoreThe amount of gratitude I feel this morning my heart could just burst. I wish this for everyone. This is my third Malibu beach home and they have all found me miraculously and beautifully. My soul knows such peace in these healing sanctuaries I create. I have 2 clients here for a 4 day mentorship retreat where I am transmitting my light language and energy healing gifts to them. The pride and joy to see the ripple effect of my work is just
Read MoreLive your life in such a way that everything becomes pure magic Confidence in yourself Trust in your actions ️Supportive relationships Doing what you love Living in your dream home You get to have it all…
Read MoreOf course I had to share something potent on the 2/22/22 portal. 2 is the number of the couple, the lovers. 22222 angel number. And so Ascension Codes: The Lovers was birthed. It came through crystal clear.
Read MoreHappy Love Day you beautiful humans! Whether you are in a romantic relationship or not, today is about love. May you be love. May you spread love. May you feel love. How will you spend Valentine’s Day? What will you do to honor love?What will you do to love yourself?
Read MoreI love love. I love peace and harmony. I love honesty. I love authenticity and truth.
Authentic, fulfilling relationships are so important to me with family, friends, romance and colleagues too.
Just like meditation, relationships are a practice. We get work on them continuously to enhance them.
The Valentine’s Day transmission is here. The next Ascension Code is here. Love. But of course. During the Month of Love. On the Day of Love. Hosted by Dr. Love. And this one is powerful. But a different kind of power. A soft, gentle power that is quiet yet palpable.
Read MoreI cried SO hard yesterday. The hardest I’ve cried in as long as I can remember. Navigating such fine lines between self love, protecting my energy and boundaries while negotiating a completion. All while doing my best to be love.
Read MoreSometimes things happen that pull the rug out from right under us... Unexpected moments of challenge, conflict or upset... And sometimes right when you least expect it... And sometimes right at the same time that something else amazing is happening... This is part of life...
Read MoreMy newest masterclass is here Happening this week. And this one is free. The spiritual upgrades I experienced over the past month were connected to love and the heart. I want to share them with you too.
Read MoreHello my beloveds from the 2/2/22 angelic portal. It’s a magical day to begin emerging from the chrysalis.
I’ve missed you. This past month I focused on 1:1 clients and in person retreats. BUT I mostly spent my time realigning, healing, resetting my nervous system and upgrading my energetics for this incredible year ahead.
Happy New Year I’m starting the new year off much differently than ever before... Instead of with a bang, such as launching a course... I’m doing the opposite. I’ll be hyper-focused on 1:1 clients, deeply listening, and spending time in silence, solitude and stillness as I plan for an epic 2022.
Read MoreThe truth about coaching is that it's not a necessity. It's a luxury. It's for those who are truly serious about taking radical responsibility for their lives. It's for those who desire to create their ultimate lives. It's for those of you who wish to realize your goals much faster.
Read MoreLately, my clients’ results have been mindblowing. I believe it's because they're committed to their spiritual and personal development journey. Their investment in themselves is a priority. I've been so inspired by them that I've decided to open up a few more 1:1 spots. My wish is for you too to be inspired, so today I joyously celebrate Aleana.
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