Living a spiritual life is living with meaning, knowing there is a grander plan, and that we are here to grow, evolve and express an important purpose in the world. Life is a co-creation operating on laws of karma and will power from the God-like power of your soul and true essence, which all existed long before this incarnation, entangled with the many lives you’ve already lived.
Read MoreWhatever that means for you.May you discover what that is for you… And may everything about life be an absolute HECK YES with the courage to discover and change when required for your greatest becoming… For me, it’s about… Freedom of expression, time and location Incredible experiences that make for epic stories (like my birthday this year - a post is coming)
Read MoreOnce I achieve something my soul is ready for the next thing. Even when I’ve arrived and life is epic, I know there’s more available for me if I dare to discover… I believe we are here on Earth to have as many experiences as possible. I live for an Extraordinary life so I take BIG risks.
Read MoreI go for what I want. I take life by the horns. I’m a revolutionary and trailblazer. When my stingray foot injury happened, and there was the potential I needed surgery, one of my besties was like maybe you’re not supposed to go on your trip and you’re being protected. Then she said, “Because nothing stops you.”
Read MoreIf you’ve been following my stories on Instagram you know that I was stung by a stingray in Malibu that resulted in a hospitalization while in Miami for a ruptured tendon and cellulitis infection. The greatest medicine I’ve received from this experience has been love.
Read MoreThe F it moment… These are some of the most potent powerful times in our lives…
Read MoreI am pro-choice and pro-life. Even though I believe the creation of a baby is a miracle and arrives in divine timing… I still believe women should have the right to choose whatever they desire when it comes to their body.
Read MoreSovereignty is a big part of the spiritual awakening journey. For myself and when working with clients so much of the healing and transformation is tidying this up. Where do you live for others instead of yourself? Where do you put your true desires aside because of something else or someone else? Where do you not speak up to keep the peace? Where do you ask permission?
Read MoreThe next Ascension Code is here…Surrender. And right at the perfect time. There has been a cosmic joke with the Divine that I must live each one to the fullest. | Beginning Friday I’ll be sharing another side of the wisdom and consciousness I transmit that I haven’t so openly shared before in this 3 day event. | My work is actual energetics.
Not just talking about it. We work on your energy body and your subtle energy layers to create transformation. But if you’re ready for ultimate embodiment and ultimate living it begins with you and the nuances of your energy 🌟
Recently I was featured on episode #28 of the Dear Mind, You Matter Podcast on with @nobuapp and @therecoveryvillage. My episode was called Changing Your Perspective catch the full episode here:
Read MoreWhat's in a name? How about… EVERYTHING. The riddle of the name is my favorite thing of all. When I work with clients where I notice some manifestations are not coming to fruition or if I get the intuition I dive deeper into understanding more about their names. Your name is your address to where the universe sends all you are manifesting. Your BIRTH name. In its totality.
Read MoreForever I’ve heard people saying “You’ve gotta niche if you want to be successful.” “Hmmmm” I thought. Nope. Can’t do it. Because literally ANYONE can be my client. As long as you are ready and willing I know we can make magic together. Woman. Man. Any gender. Business. Love. Life. Bucket list dreams. Any area of life.
Read MoreI was hiding and didn’t even realize it. I was hiding behind titles and ways of functioning in the world because I thought “that’s how humans operate.” I thought it was the only way people could understand who I am and what I do because the whole truth was “too far out there.” I was afraid that people wouldn’t understand that I am a starseed here to bring a different kind of consciousness. And that I chose to come to Earth for the healing and awakening of humankind. My family knows, most of my clients know, some friends, and my spiritual community knows. But I feared others would ridicule me.
Read MoreAs many of you know, some years back I was on a FOX reality show and was featured all over the media in a way that had such a positive impact on peoples lives. I still receive sweet messages from people sharing how my presence changed their lives. What a gift!
Read MoreThe Holy and The Human… is our true nature. My life, every day, is both holy and human. As is my work. In my home you’ll find altars with paintings and statues of Isis, Bastet, Mother Mary, Horus, White Buffalo Woman, Sita, Ram and Sekhmet… And depending on the day or the hour, you may find clothes on the bathroom floor and dishes in the sink…
Read MoreA BRAND NEW group transformational program for women has arrived and we begin June 1st. WARNING: This is an alchemical container that will change you forever in a potent, powerful way. This is a resurrection and a reclamation. The funny thing is that it was unexpectedly inspired by my most recent Masterclass, Divine Woman.
Read MoreIt’s a beautiful, and essential, thing on our journey of expansion and ultimate becoming. It’s actually my word for 2022 and boy have the trust initiations been in full effect. As we expand into 7 and 8 figures and build our legacies, empires, wealth and ultimate lives so much trust is required to:
Read MoreLife is never all perfect with only the high moments. This is a reminder that it’s OK to feel sad, angry, frustrated, overwhelmed. Sometimes I really think it’s all just a divine comedy all in support of our soul’s greatest becoming. You’ve got this.
Read MoreI practice what I preach and I too work with a mentor who activates me to expand and be more of who I truly am. Today I started a new course with her and in the first module she asked us to connect with our why.
Read MoreOn the journey of my continued ascension and greatest becoming, my growth has been rapid and exponential. I’ve had fears of leaving people behind, clients not continuing on as I raised my prices, relationships ending because my dreams had changed to become even bigger. All of these things did happen… But then I was blessed with so many beautiful things and people that met the levels I was expanding into.
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