Posts in Inspiration
This Gratitude Practice Changes Lives

This gratitude practice can change your life. It changed mine. And the lives of those I work with. And as I attract even more beautiful souls into my life, it turns out they are using it too! Is gratitude that powerful? Yes. So powerful that it can elevate life to a whole new level? Yes. Counting our blessings allows us to feel good and attract even more goodness into our lives. What better time to begin than today. Happy Thanksgiving!

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Let's get real. Let's talk about the uncomfortable.

Getting uncomfortable is a normal part of this human experience. As humans we are constantly feeling. We feel the energy in a room, the energy of another. Whether we want to realize it or not, when we get uncomfortable others likely notice. It affects those around us. Sometimes we can't explain why or what we feel, we just do. Less often we talk about it, more often we run away. But in the uncomfortable there are lessons to be learned and greater understandings to be had.

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Vipassana: 10 Days of Silence Revisited

“I feel so much more love and compassion.” I sobbed through tears as Noble Silence completed on the 10th day. “I’m releasing something.” I said to Samia, the French Moroccan woman who had been sleeping in the room across from mine. “Breathe it out.” said Samia in her beautiful accent. “This is strong medicine.” “She’s right.” I thought to myself. I never considered Vipassana to be medicine, but it is just that. 

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The Evolution of Man: Which Path are You On?

As I shifted to a mind, body, spirit human perspective, I realized true health care is really life care. And to live an amazing life, it’s about optimizing. Enhancing our being in mind, body, and spirit is how to invite longevity, happiness, and love into our lives. So where do we go for life care and optimization?

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A Loving Reminder: The Power of Connection

As I recently shared with you in my Burning Man post, I have discovered the power of community and connection in a whole new light. Community, and the deep connections within them, are reminders of who we are. Choose to be around those who truly see who you are. Those who smile to see you blossom. Those who inspire new ideas and endeavors, painting your life with more color and excitement. Let’s elaborate a bit more on why connection with another human is so important...

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Burning Man 2015: Live and Love

There are a lot of Burning Man judgers and haters as with anything that makes an impact in the world. Ultimately I feel Burning Man is a beautiful thing and the world can know more peace, love and harmony if even a few of the 10 guiding principles were infused into our society. This week I share this year's experience–lessons on life and love. Enjoy! 

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Are you limiting love in your life? 7 ways to STOP

#2 and #3 hit home for me recently. Sometimes we don’t even realize we are limiting love in our lives and hence why I decided to write this post. I am guilty of limiting love in my life in all of these ways at some point or another. But because of my commitment to personal growth and because I am a love ambassador I share these ways to love some more. 

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Sadness–It Serves a Purpose: The Depth of Feeling is The Pulse of Life

Beware, this one is raw-I really share myself with you. Thank you for allowing me to be vulnerable due to the overwhelming comments and messages inspired by last week's post–It's OK to Feel Sad. As promised, here is part two. May this piece allow the emotions rising to the surface within us to be expressed and released as they so wish to be. Expression-not suppression-is meant for this human experience.

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It's OK to Feel Sad: A Conversation with A Client

There is an epidemic happening in our society where people are numbing out on prescription medications, alcohol, drugs, and sex to not feel the pain of sadness or depression. As children we are taught not to cry and not to express this other side of our being. This life is both light and dark. Is running from or suppressing these feelings the answer? 

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Insight at 30: 12 Wisdoms Gained in the Solitude of Nature

I chose to spend my 30th birthday facilitating my own personal vision quest. Most notably, this time was spent in nature–in silence and solitude. I quieted my being to listen to the wisdom of the universe and the messages were bountiful. These 12 insights have shifted my perspective on life, creating more peace, love, and surrender in the process. Which of these 12 insights most resonates in your life? #12 was the biggest for me! 

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The Fine Line Between Judgement and Observation

To create even more peace and harmony with ourselves and others, we can choose to operate from a place of observation with love and compassion, instead of jugment. This is best serving for all, regardless of the circumstances. So how do we distinguish judgement from observation? How do we shift into a space of compassionate observer?

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Say no to obligation and more yes to inspiration!

It’s funny, the moment anything becomes a task to be done it becomes an obligation no matter if it initially came from a place of inspirational. I love what I do but I have to be mindful to keep the fun alive. My most recent intention has been to follow inspiration and rid my life of obligation. Who wants to live life from a place of obligation? I sure don’t. Life is meant to be inspiring in every moment. Yes, it actually can be...

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5 Reasons to Retreat

Sometimes I feel amazement when I examine my life and I wonder, “How did I get here?” I’ve come to realize that all of my major life changing decisions happened while I was retreating. I can vividly remember the exact moment I chose to leave western medicine. It was on a vacation during my first year of residency. I was sitting on the beach, retreating at an Ashram in the Bahamas. Crystal blue waters sparkled in front of me as I looked out to the sea beyond my happy, sand covered toes. I felt at peace with a journal, pen in hand, and I vividly saw my future unfolding before me. 

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Thoughts Post Lightning in a Bottle: 7 Ways to Enhance The Human Experience

I have come to appreciate the environment of festivals because they offer a unique space for life reflection and relating to others. Generally they create a space for people to come together and connect. Hearts tend to be more open than in everyday life. This offers a mirror to look within at where we are, where we’d like to go, and what we wish to shed and embody. Perhaps these seven reminders will resonate with you in some way to cultivate a more peaceful, connected existence, offering assurance on this journey through the human experience. 

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A Kiss with Death: Surrendering to the Sea

“HELP! PLEASE HELP ME!” I began to panic. The waves kept coming and I could barely keep my head above the water. My feet longed for the bottom of the sea, but I was too far removed from the safety of the shores. I was at the mercy of the wrath of the ocean. It was the biggest swell of the year, and in the blink of an eye, a rip tide pulled me out to sea. This is how quickly life happens.

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The Truth About Worrying

I’m going to get vulnerable in this post. I struggle most with surrendering and trusting in the process of life. As many of you know, I’ve lived many lives this lifetime and the adventure only continues with greater twists and challenges. Despite being optimistic and quite the dare devil when it comes to living life, I still worry. 

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Do NOT Take This Life for Granted

I’ve kissed death twice. I use the word kiss because it is an intimate experience. In fact, it is a gift, a healing one. And it can be life changing. Both times shifted my perception about everything I think I know about this existence. This past week I hosted a wellness retreat in Nicaragua. What started out as a “yoga” retreat, evolved into a mind, body, and spirit experience. Two very interesting things happened to me while I was away. On the last day of the retreat, my MacBook Air laptop crashed and I almost drowned in the ocean. This opened my eyes to live every moment in Carpe Diem. 

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This man had a heart attack, and his will power to overcome is remarkable

I believe in media as a platform to inspire a better world. Since appearing on the Fox television show Utopia, I’ve receive many invitations to participate in various events. I chose to participate in Reality Rally and raise funds for a cause, but I never imagined all the ways in which it would inspire me. Some of it was quite shocking to me so of course I had to share it with you.

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How do you perceive beauty?

What is beauty? Who defines it? Beauty is omnipresent. It is all pervasive and found in simplicity, details, and imperfections. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Beauty is cultural. Beauty is subjective and objective. Beauty is a visual, and yet it exists as a feeling. Even beauty can be ugly. How do you define and identify beauty?

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