Posts in Consciousness
Calling All Magic Women

Calling all magical women, witches, curanderas, priestesses, shamanistas, mystics, starseeds, and healers out of the closet.

Yes you beloved one who hides because of the traumas of past lives lived. Burnt at the stake. Forced to keep the esoteric wisdom secret. Hushed into silence unable to share your gifts to protect loved ones and the mysteries.

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COVID-19: Positive Insights & Healthy Tips

As the world enters into a quarantine period, we are being asked to reevaluate our lives. This is truly an OPPORTUNITY! I hope you see that. In this blog, I share some tips to stay healthy and safe and also some insight I’ve received regarding this worldwide situation.

Beware, you may not agree with what my intuitions and opinions are but I am going to share them anyway. If you don’t like what I have to say then just scroll down to my top 10 favorite tips, those will support you either way :)

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ENROLLMENT NOW OPEN for Awaken Your Spiritual Power Monthly Membership!

In these months since retiring from teaching at studios, many of you have reached out asking when's my next class or event. The truth is I have no in-person events scheduled for the foreseeable future except my one retreat in September because I am focused on scalable models to reach as many people as possible (aka millions) for the awakening and healing of humankind and our planet.

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A space for spirituality and community, AWAKENING!

I’ve missed having the space to share the random channeled meditations and words of wisdom I receive regularly as I used to in my weekly classes at meditation studios.

This is a photo of the last group I co-guided through a teacher training before I decided to retire from teaching at studios to focus on reaching more people online. I love these lightworkers and definitely miss our conversations about spiritual awakening.

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A message from my friend Jakob, a Men's Sexual Mastery Coach

Let’s face it. It’s not so easy being a man today. Especially not with regards to sexuality. Firstly, if you were like me, no one really taught you anything of value about it when you grew up. You just had to figure it out for yourself. You might have secretly read some sleezy magazines or spoken a bit with some friends about it, but mostly you were left on your own. Those of us who were lucky found a girlfriend where we could explore it lovingly together, but still, actual knowledge was virtually non-existing.

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What about the men?

Now is a critical time on the planet for the DIVINE masculine to rise up because as you know the divine feminine has been awakening, and we need our masculine counterparts to come with us!

Frankly, the demand for men who can handle and enjoy powerful women is going up. 

Women no longer want to coddle their partners or play games and be ghosted every week.

Powerful, high-achieving, turned-on women want to be equally matched mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. 

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Gucci vs Yourself?

🛑Beware: This is an important #truthbomb

Everything is an investment when it comes to your personal development.💎

It’s interesting to observe the value people place on things. Some people feel it’s worth spending money on objects like cars 🚗, shoes 👠and shopping sprees🛍️. Others feel travel ️✈️and experiences 🖼️.  And others on themselves 💆.

There’s no right ✔️or wrong ✖️answer per se... BUT, observe what you value spending money 💸 on and how you feel 💜. 

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A new day. A new year. A new life.

Did you know that everyday is the first day of the rest of your life?

A new day. A new year. A new life.

In a moment you can simply decide that everything will be different.

A stranger could walk into your life, touch your heart and change the path of your life forever.

You could receive an email about a life changing opportunity. And then life is different.

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Calling all feminine leaders!

You’re reading this because there’s a deep calling within to rise up to a new level of being. 🕊️

This ascension your soul is calling for is not just for you. The planet needs YOU and all the gifts you have to share. Now is the time for feminine leaders to rise up to create the new Earth 🌎💗

We just experienced an incredible series of galactic shifts with planetary alignments, eclipses 🌓and full 🌕energy that has definitely impacted your energy ⭐️. 

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Celebration will manifest your New Year!

One of the most powerful habits of successful people is to celebrate the wins! What are you celebrating in your life these day? I hope you are celebrating something because guess what? You attract more of what you celebrate into your life! 

First, let’s get something straight here... Celebrating is not about bragging. It’s about gratitude actually. When we celebrate it’s like saying thank you! It’s about honoring yourself for a job well done! 

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The Solstice Rebirth: 2 Tips to maximize this potent energy.

The most powerful energy days of the year are Solstice and Equinox. They are days where the Earth and Sun dance in the cosmos and have various effects on life on Earth. Solstice is when the Earth is furthest or closest to the Sun, resulting in the shortest and longest days of the years, depending on which hemisphere you’re in. Equinox is when the days and nights are equal, a balance occurs. And this March 2020 I’m hosting The Balance Lightworker retreat during the Spring Equinox (click here to learn more). 

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Who says change needs to be difficult?

The other morning my tai chi instructor showed us a pose called Change is Difficult and I immediately said, “Well that’s a limiting belief.” Because to me it is.

To me, change is exciting, exhilarating, an opportunity for more greatness and for surprises beyond our wildest dreams.

I love change. I feel it gives me the opportunity to live even more of life.

Everything you desire is already here for you. Simply open to receive. Changing your life can happen in an instant.

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A simple act of love

I recently spoke at an event about Happiness and guided the audience through this simple act of love. I share this guided meditation in this blogpost for you to try. Not only do the people who receive love receive a healing and even a protective layer around them from an energetic standpoint. But the person sending the love also receives a healing too. Try it for yourself!

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What is the Awakening of the Divine Feminine?

Many people talk about this as the awakening of humanity into greater consciousness. Part of this awakening of consciousness also includes the awakening of the divine feminine (and the divine masculine too). I’d like to highlight the awakening of the divine feminine, because for so long the feminine was suppressed in our culture, and in some cultures it still is today, and why it's so important it is awakening.

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