Want to live forever? Looking for an anti-aging, disease preventing, energizing, all natural remedy? Add this yummy super food smoothie to your life!
Read MoreImagine being 10 days with no cell phone, computer or Internet. Imagine 10 days of silence, no talking or gesturing. Imagine 10 days of solitude, no hugs or physical contact with another person, or yourself. Imagine 10 days of no reading, writing, games or anything to keep you occupied. Imagine 10 days of mediating for 10 hours a day, rising at 4am and retiring at 9pm. I did it. And despite not being a fan of rules, I followed all of them. Ten days of silence, meditation, nature, me, myself, and I was truly amazing. This retreat has changed my life.
Read MoreRecent evidence is accumulating to suggest that the type of lifestyle which Dr. Nikki promotes is the kind that will be necessary for a progressive move in human culture. If we examine her emphasis on wellness and her appreciation of the mind-body connection, there are certain questions that come to mind.
Read MoreWhen was the last time you spent time alone? By alone I mean no cell phone, television, or computer in sight, no people around, just you, enjoying your own company. With all the technology in our lives, it seems absurd to be out of reach for more than 24 hours. So when do we ever really get time to ourselves?
Read MoreLet’s talk about sex. Despite it being a tabooed subject, many people enjoy talking about sex. Since becoming a doctor, I’m not really shocked by anything. I’ve had to discuss the birds and the bees with patients, examine private parts and I have even delivered babies. Sex is natural, and an important part of life because it is healthy and healing.
Read MoreThe past year two years have been a major transition time for me. I went from working in a hospital practicing Western Medicine and knowing my schedule a year in advance, to having the flexibility to create a career path that uses a modern, integrative approach to healing. I learned so much from the journey. When I tried to control and plan everything, I was faced with some stress and hardships. Then I realized everything started to happen so perfectly the moment I started living in flow.
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